Boostcamp AI Tech (Day 033)
My assignment: CNN Visualization
Object detection
Fundatmental image recognition tasks
- Semantic segmentation
- Instance segmentation
- semantic + 같은 클래스 내의 개체들도 구분
- Panoptic segmentation
- instance + more
Object detection
- Classification + Box localization
- $(P_{class}, x_{min}, y_{min}, x_{max}, y_{max})$
- application
- autonomous driving
- OCR (Optical character recognition)
- Classification + Box localization
딥러닝 이전의 시도
- Gradient-based detector
- HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients)
- 사람이 직접 가정한 feature들에 따라, 가로 edge나 세로 edge 등을 이용해 검출
- HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients)
- Selective search (box proposal)
- segmentation $\rightarrow$ merge similar regions $\rightarrow$ extract candidate boxes
- Gradient-based detector
Two-stage detector
- Regions with CNN features
- Image $\rightarrow$ extract region proposals $\rightarrow$ compute CNN features $\rightarrow$ classify regions
- Fast R-CNN
- Image $\rightarrow$ Conv feature feature map $\rightarrow$ RoI pooling $\rightarrow$ extract RoI (Region of Interest) $\rightarrow$ class and box prediction for each RoI
- 18배 빠름
- 여전히 selective search와 같은 별도 알고리즘을 사용했기 때문에 학습 성능에 한계
- Faster R-CNN
- 최초의 End-toend object detection by NEURAL region proposal
- IoU (Intersection over Union) = $\frac{교집합}{합집합}$
- Anchor boxes
- region proposal에 사용될 다른 size의 box 후보군들
- Region Proposal Network (RPN)
- sliding window가 Conv feature map을 돌면서,
- object인지 아닌지 classification
- k개의 anchor box들을 regression해 더 정교한 위치(box size) 찾음
- sliding window가 Conv feature map을 돌면서,
- Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS)
- 너무 많은 bounding box들이 제안되기 때문에 최적의 proposal만 남겨놓기 위한 알고리즘
- Step 1. Select box with highest objectiveness score
- Step 2. Compare IoU of this box with other boxes
- Step 3. Remove bounding boxes if IoU $\geq$ 50%
- Step 4. Move to next highest objectiveness score (repeat 2 - 4)
Single-stage detector
- 정확도 조금 포기하고 굉장히 빠른 속도 내는 모델
- No explicit RoI pooling
- 바로 Classification / Box regression
- YOLO (You Only Look Once)
- S x S grid on input
- two track
- $\rightarrow$ bounding boxes + confidence
- $\rightarrow$ class probability map
- $\rightarrow$ final detections
- SSD (Single Shot multibox Detector)
- multi-scale output들을 내는 여러 개의 feature map 사용
- 스케일이 다른 object들도 잘 detect
Single-stage의 단점과 극복
- Class imbalance problem
- RoI pooling이 없다보니 모든 영역에 대한 loss 계산
- 쓸모 없는 영역에 대한 계산이 너무 많음
- $\rightarrow$ Focal loss
- improved cross entropy loss
- $FL(p_t) = -(1 - p_t)^{\gamma} log(p_t)$
- RetinaNet
- FPN (Feature Pyramid Networks) + class/box prediction branches
- multi-scale로 feature map 뽑는 피라미드 구조
Detector with transformer
- ViT (Vision Transformer) by Google
- DeiT (Data-efficient image Transformer) by Facebook
- DETR (DEtection TRansformer) by Facebook
- Backbone: CNN, positional encoding
- Encoder
- Decoder
- input: encoder 출력 + object queries
- Prediction heads
- Class imbalance problem
CNN Visualization
Visualizing CNN
- As debugging tools
- Types of NN visualization
- param explanation
- filter visualization
- factorization lens
- feature analysis
- t-SNE
- gradient ascent
- sensitivity analysis
- saliency map
- gradCAM
- decomposition
- deepLIFT
- param explanation
Analysis of model behaviors
- Embedding feature analysis
- in a feature space
- dimentionality reduction
- Activation invetigation
- layer activation
- maximally activating patches
- class visualization
- gradient ascent
- Embedding feature analysis
Model decision explanation
- Saliency test
- occlusion map
- prediction score depends on the location of mask
- via Backprop
- derivatives of a class score wrt input domain
- occlusion map
- Class activation mapping (CAM)
- GAP (Global Average Pooling) layer instead of FC layer
- grad-CAM
- Saliency test